Comprehensive Treatment Plans

At Urbanview Dental, we prioritize family dental health care and treat every new patient with the utmost care and attention to detail – our patients’ first visits are a source of great pride!

If you aren’t seeing us for an emergent condition such as a severe toothache, for example, we book you for a COE (Comprehensive Oral Exam) with one of our dentists.

Providing us with a very extensive assessment, a comprehensive oral exam gives us the opportunity to evaluate and record all extraoral, intraoral, soft and hard tissues and any issues you may be experiencing such as nerve pain. This visit includes a complete set of dental x-rays and photographs of your teeth. From this valuable information, we evaluate all of the records and data we collect.

This appointment will include a conversation with the dentist where they will provide detailed information about what will be necessary to care for your teeth. After this appointment, you will have a far greater understanding of your dental health and what is required to restore it. You should receive a hard copy print-out of your treatment plan detailing procedures required along with their associated time and cost.

For more insights and information about your first visit, please check out our FAQs!

add: nerve pain, family dental health, toronto downtown dentists


Veneers & Bonding


Root Canals